In order to ensure that videos are accessible to everyone in the campus community, captions should be provided for all events, lecture captures, and course materials.
Vidable is an AI automated captioning mechanism that is provided as a part of our Mediasite subscription. Any video uploaded to Rensselaer’s Mediasite platform can be set to include captions powered by Vidable.
Requesting Access to Captions Powered by Vidable
All Rensselaer faculty have access to the Mediasite platform. However, some functionality, including captioning video with Vidable, requires additional permissions.
Anyone who would like to use captions powered by Vidable should submit a support request.
- Please provide your RCSID as a part of your request for Vidable access in the description.
Your request will be sent to our Mediasite Support Team and you will be notified when your access has been granted.
Adding Captions Powered by Vidable to a Video
At this time, captions may be added to a presentation which has been uploaded to MyMediasite after the upload and transcode process has been completed. If a caption request is submitted before the video is ready to play, a conflict will occur and the captioning job will fail. Please ensure each step is completed before moving on to the next.
- Navigate to the MyMediasite portal and log in using your RCSID credentials and Duo.
- Locate the presentation you to which you wish to add captions, and click on the title to open it.
[The MyMediasite video detail screen for a presentation. An arrow points to the play arrow at the center of the video, highlighting that the video shown is ready to play.] - On the right hand menu, select Edit Details.
[The MyMediasite video detail screen for a presentation. An arrow points to the right hand menu, specifically the choice to Edit Details and instructs to click to select.] - On the Edit Presentation screen, first click to select the Delivery Next, select Audio Transcriptions, then select Choose a Provider for Captioning.
[The MyMediasite Edit Presentation page. An arrow points to the Delivery tab in the center bottom, then the selected Audio Transcriptions box, and the option to Choose a provider for captioning.] - Click in the box to Select a Captioning Profile and a dialog box will be displayed. Select Mediasite captioning powered by Vidable.
[The Search Captioning Providers dialog box, with the option Mediasite captioning powered by Vidable selected.] - Confirm that the correct profile for Vidable appears as the provider for captioning, then click Save.
[The MyMediasite Edit Presentation page. There is a note to confirm that the Choose a Provider for captioning shows Mediasite captioning provided by Vidable at the bottom, then in the upper right corner to click the blue Save button.] - The Edit Details screen will be shown. Refresh the page, then click the Delivery tab to see the progress of your audio transcription.
[The Delivery tab after a screen refresh, with a yellow box below Audio transcriptions stating that captioning is in progress, and details for the provider and file name.] - When captioning is complete, the presentation will be tagged with “Captions”. You will need to refresh the screen in order to see this tag.
[The MyMediasite video detail screen for a presentation. An arrow points to the lower left, where a read box reads Captions.] - You can set your notifications to send you an email when captioning jobs are completed.
- In the upper right of the MyMediasite screen, click on your initials, then click My Settings from the drop down menu.
[The upper right menu on the MyMediasite page. The initials DA have been clicked to show a menu, and an arrow points to My Settings with instructions to click.] - On the left hand My Settings menu, click to select Notifications.
[The left-hand menu under My Settings for My Mediasite. The notifications option is highlighted, and an arrow points to it with instructions to click to select.] - On the displayed list of notifications, find Captioning completed on my presentations at the very bottom, and check the box for email on the right, then click Save.
[The Notifications settings for My Mediasite. The very last option is noted by an arrow and instructions to click the box on the right to select Email notifications for Captioning completed on my presentations. There is an arrow pointing to the blue Save buttons in the upper right with instructions to click.] - With this set, when a captioning job completes on a presentation that you own, you will receive an email.
[An example email saying that Captions have been successfully received for a presentation.]
- In the upper right of the MyMediasite screen, click on your initials, then click My Settings from the drop down menu.
Adding Captions to Multiple Videos at One Time
At this time, Mediasite does not provide the capability for people to caption multiple videos at one time through the MyMediasite portal. If you have a set of existing videos you would like to have captioned all at once, please should submit a support request.
- In the description, please provide as much information as you can to our support team, including your RCSID and the channel or titles of videos you need captioned.
Your request will be sent to our Mediasite Support Team and you will be notified when your videos have been sent to Vidable for captioning.
Mediasite does not provide a MediasiteU course for Vidable captions at this time. When one has been added, this section will be updated.
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