Rensselaer's Campus Directory contains contact information for all students, faculty and staff.
Please note changes can take up to 24 hours.
Students should use the Campus Directory Administration to add campus and permanent address information, phone numbers, alternate email address, preferred first name, pronoun and gender. The preferred first name will be reflected in the Campus Directory, email, and LMS.
Student directory content published is limited to name, email, major, and graduation year and does not include addresses or telephone numbers. All student addresses and telephone numbers are maintained by the Registrar's Office and students use the Campus Directory Administration to view or make updates to their content.
Faculty and staff
Faculty and staff should use the Campus Directory Administration to update their address, mailstop, phone numbers, alternate email address, preferred first name. Any issues with Job Title should be directed to Human Resources.
How to Edit or Update Content
To verify your information is accurate, login to the Campus Directory Administration with your RCS userid and password. Once entered the bar across the top of the screen will display different tabs where information is held.
Update Address (Everyone) and Mailstop (Employees)
- Login into Campus Directory Administration
- Click Address tab
- Click edit pencil to the left of Campus Address - Employees
- Scroll down to the Edit Address section and add the Room Number
- Click the drop-down arrow under Building Code: and choose a building
[Edit Address dialog box showing 211 in Room Number and drop-down arrow highlighted next to Building Code: field]
6. Click Apply Changes to the right of the Edit Address section
This can be repeated for Permanent Address information.
Update Mailstop (Employees)
1. Mailstop - In order to ensure Mail Service deliveries and Mail are delivered to you, update your Mailstop to the appropriate location. If you are unsure what your Mailstop should be, you can check with your Business Manager or Administrative Coordinator.
Under Mailstop - click the drop down for Mailstop
[Edit Mailstop dialog box showing VCC 1st FL Lobby and drop-down arrow highlighted next to Mailstop field]
2. Select appropriate location for your mail delivery - click Apply Mail Stop Change
Training video - Update Campus Office Location (Employees)
Adding or updating Phone numbers
- Login into Campus Directory Administration
- Click Phone tab
- Click edit pencil to the left of the Telephone number you want to add or change
NOTE: For Campus Phone Number the first three and last four of the number must be added on the "phone number" line.
[Campus Phone Number screen showing the full 7 digit phone number on the Phone Number: field]
Training video - Adding or updating Phone numbers
This can be repeated for additional Phone Number options.
Alternate email address
It is helpful if there is ever a problem with your RCS userid, to include an alternative email address.
- Login into Campus Directory Administration
- Click Email tab
- Click edit pencil next to Alternate Contact Email Address
Training video - Alternate email address
Updating preferred first name, pronoun and gender. Note: setting preferred first name will also remove middle name if you would like.
- Login into Campus Directory Administration
- Click the Personal tab
- Enter Preferred First Name - click Update Preferred First Name button to the right
- Select from dropdown Preferred Pronoun - click Update Pronoun button to the right
- Select from dropdown Preferred Gender - click Update Gender button to the right
Training video - Updating preferred first name, pronoun and gender
Please note changes can take up to 24 hours.
NOTE: Updating this information can also be accessed when logged into https://sis.rpi.edu - click Personal Information tab at the top - click Update your preferred name, personal pronoun, gender designation
Training video - Updating preferred first name, pronoun and gender in SIS
Directory administrators
Directory Administrators have the ability to make changes for all individuals within their department using the Campus Directory Administration.
Last Reviewed: 07-Oct-2024
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