This guide explains how to connect to the office printer/scanner/fax machine units maintained by Client Information Services using Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows operating systems. In general adding a CIS managed printer is the same as any RCS printer except the print server is dept-printers.win.rpi.edu instead of printers.win.rpi.edu.
Please note that these instructions are based on a recent Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows 10. Printer access is always subject to departmental approval. For additional support, please open a support request at https://itssc.rpi.edu/hc/en-us.
Printer list
A full list of available print queues, locations, and drivers ca be found at:
https://dept-printers.win.rpi.edu/printers/. You will need to login with your RCS credentials to view the list.
PC Instructions
From the Start Menu, open the Run prompt. Enter \\dept-printers.win.rpi.edu\ and click OK.
- If prompted for credentials enter your RCS username and password (e.g. be sure to precede your RCS username with win\ -- win\RCSuserid and RCS password).
- Double click the printer you wish to install
- You maybe be prompted about installing a driver. If this is the case, click "Install driver".
- If you need additional instruction see the Detailed Windows instructions
Mac Instructions - Basic
- Note the printer name you want to use from the list above
- Click the + icon to add a new printer
- Select the printer that you want to install
- Click the Add button
Mac Instructions - Advanced options
In order to use printer functions other than black and white and color printing, or duplex you need to install a device specific print driver.
- Note the printer queue and driver name you want to use from the table above
- Follow the link in the table above to download the driver installer for the given driver.
- Install the driver
- Follow these RCS mac printing instructions using dept-printers.win.rpi.edu instead of printers.win.rpi.edu and substitute the print driver from the table about for Generic PostScript Printer
Advanced copier functions
Some copiers have additional features that can be enabled. If using a Mac you need to specify these options manually.
Copier Name | Additional Features |
BT-2226-COLORMFP | Option Tray: Lower Paper Trays Finisher: Finisher SR3210 |
CI-4011-COLORMFP | Finisher: SR3070 |
CATS - 8023 RICOH MP C450ex | Finisher: SR3210 |
Finisher: SR3260 |
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