Follow the following procedure to setup printing within Siemens NX 12 on a Windows operating system.
NOTE: Adobe Illustrator is the preferred program for plotting in color. If you plot using NX, refunds for color issues will most likely not be approved. This program is available in the Adobe Creative Cloud suite or on the computer in the VCC Lobby. Your document can be saved as a PDF and printed through Illustrator.
- Before starting this procedure, make sure you can connect to the B-size printer in the VCC South lobby. This is done by running \\printers.win.rpi.edu\vcsoutb and connecting to this printer via the network.
- For instructions on how to connect to public printers see the following link: https://itssc.rpi.edu/hc/en-us/articles/360009783632-RCS-Public-Printers-Summary
- NOTE: There is another B-size printer on campus located in the VCC Print Room: \\printers.win.rpi.edu\vcblw
- Open the following folder: C:\Program Files\Siemens\NX 12.0\NXPLOT
- Right-click nxplotadmin.exe and select Run as administrator.
- Click Add... under the Printers tab.
- In Printer Name type in VCC South B Size.
- In Printer Model, select ++HP:HP LaserJet 8000 Series PS.
- Under Printer:, make sure NT/Queue is checked and select \\printers.win.rpi.edu\vcsoutb in the Local field.
- Click OK twice to save and exit the SDI Printer Master window.
- The above steps only have to be done once.
- To print drawings, open NX 12.0 and a drawing of your choice (B-size).
- Click on File and select Plot.
- In the Source heading make sure your drawing sheet is selected.
- In the Plotter heading find VCC South B Size in the Printer drop down list.
- In the Actions heading click the Advanced Plot icon.
- Click on the Print Setup tab. Paper size should be B(Ledger) - 11.0 x 17.0.
- Set Orientation to Landscape, set Resolution to 600, and set Scaling to Fit to Width.
- Click on the Print Layout tab. Set Vertical and Horizontal alignment to Center.
- So you don't have to set these settings each time you print, it is recommended you click Save Profile As at the bottom of the NX Print window and call it "VCC B-Size". This profile will now be in the Printer Profile drop down list on the Printer tab and on the drop-down list in the Plotter heading of the Plot command.
NX Installation Instructions for Windows
NX Installation Instructions for Mac
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