A test is a type of assessment used to evaluate students on their knowledge of a topic or subject.
There are 17 different Question Types. However, we are only going to create two of the “Self-grading” question types. Multiple Choice and True/False
A multiple choice question is a question that allows students to choose only one correct answer from a selection of answers. Up to 100 answers can be added to the question. The default is set to 4.
A true/false question is a question that displays two answer options: true and false.
Before you begin, make sure Edit Mode is ON, which is located in the upper right-hand corner of your course.
1. Click on Quizzes & Tests in the left-hand menu which we created in the LMS Basics 101 session. The Quizzes & Test page will display on the right-side of the page.
2. Hover over Assessment, scroll to and click Test from the drop-down menu.
The Add Test page will display on the right-side of the page.
3. Click Create to the right of Create a New Test. If the page doesn’t automatically switch to the Test Information page, click Submit.
The Test Information page will display.
4. Enter a Test Name and click Submit. This creates a placeholder for the test.
A Success: Test Name created message bar will appear at the top of the Test Canvas: Test Name window. The Test placeholder is setup.
Here you will begin to Create Question for your test.
5. Hover over Create Question, scroll to and click Multiple Choice from the drop-down menu.
6. Add a Question Title
7. Enter the Question Text
Select Answer Numbering
- None
- Arabic Numerals (1,2,3)
- Roman Numerals (I, II, III)
- Uppercase Letters (A, B, C)
- Lowercase Letter (a, b, c)
Select Answer Orientation
- Vertical
- Horizontal
Allow Partial Credit (default is no)
Show Answers in Random Order (default is no). However, you can change this to Yes to in an effort to reduce cheating.
8. Add the potential Answer selections for each of the answer options, 1 through 4.
9. Click the Radio button to the left of the correct answer. In this example, Answer #4 is the correct answer.
[Top answer box shows radio button not selected and the bottom box shows radio button selected showing this is the correct answer]
Optional: You can provide both Correct Response feedback which reinforces the correct answer, as well as provide Incorrect Response feedback.
- You may add a category, topic, level of difficulty, or keyword to the question to find it easier. To do so, click the appropriate Add button.
- You may also add instructor notes to the question for your own use. To do so, enter notes in the Instructor Notes text field.
If you will be adding another question of the same type, click Submit and Create Another Question. If a different question type, click Submit.
In this case, we are going to click Submit.
True/False Questions
1. Hover over Create Question, scroll to and click True/False from the drop-down menu.
The Create/Edit True/False Question will display.
2. Enter a Question Title
3. In the Question Text textbox area enter the True/False statement
4. Accept the Answer Orientation default of Vertical or change to horizontal by clicking on the drop-down arrow and clicking Horizontal
5. In the Answers section, make sure to select the correct answer True or False
6. Under the Feedback section (optional):
You can provide both Correct Response feedback which reinforces the correct answer, as well as, provide Incorrect Response feedback.
- You may add a category, topic, level of difficulty, or keyword to the question to find it easier. To do so, click the appropriate Add button.
- You may also add instructor notes to the question for your own use. To do so, enter notes in the Instructor Notes text field.
7. If you will be adding another question of the same type, click Submit and Create Another Question. If a different question type, click Submit.
8. In this case, we are going to click Submit.
We now have two questions. The default Points value for each question is set to 10 points. You can change the point value for each question.
To change the Point Value individually:
1. Click in the Points box and enter the new Point Value.
2. When finished, scroll to the bottom of the test questions and click OK
Now that the Test is created, we need to Deploy the Test to students.
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