The old Barco firmware/software did not work any more with MacOS due to security updates in MacOS causing memory access issues. After installation, the new Barco firmware/software is not recognizing that the software has been granted access to the camera for screen recording.
By installing the new version over the old, the Mac security settings become confused. The old Barco pieces need to be removed from the Mac, and the new installed. This should not require a restart of the Mac, only a restart of the Barco software.
- Open System Settings on the Mac, then navigate to Screen Recording.
- Delete all Clickshare entries.
- Click the "-" below the list of applications to remove each entry.
- The username/password will need to be entered to confirm changes.
- The Clickshare application, if running, will need to restart each time.
- Open a Finder window and navigate to Applications.
- Right click on any Clickshare applications, then select Move to Trash.
- Empty the Trash.
- Remove the puck from the Mac, then reinsert it. Everything should work as designed.
- Upon starting to screenshare, go into System Settings to turn Clickshare access on.
- The Clickshare app will restart.
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