Zoom Whiteboards is a tool that allows you to draw, write, add shapes, highlight and annotate on a whiteboard screen during a Zoom meeting for brainstorming and interactive discussions.
Create a whiteboard from a Zoom meeting
- While in a meeting, from the in-meeting controls, click the Whiteboards button
- Click New Whiteboard. The whiteboard will open in the meeting window.
Create a whiteboard from the Zoom Web App
- Go to https://rpi-edu.zoom.us/ and click on Sign In.
- Click Whiteboards from the left navigation bar.
- Click the +New Whiteboard button located in the upper right of the whiteboard screen.
Create a whiteboard from the Zoom desktop client
- Sign in to the Zoom desktop client.
- Click the Whiteboards button
- At the top right, click New to create a new whiteboard.
Some limitations using Zoom Whiteboard
- Whiteboards cannot be sent to individuals who do not have a Zoom account.
- The new Zoom Whiteboard and the classic whiteboard cannot be used at the same time during a meeting.
- The maximum amount of cloud storage allocated for Zoom Whiteboards for Zoom Basic users is 25 MB.
- The storage capacity of each whiteboard is limited to 200 MB, including any uploaded files. If you upload a PDF, it will generate several smaller files for display purposes, and the total size of these smaller files will also count towards the 200 MB limit.
- The maximum file size for a single PDF upload is 35MB, while images (in PNG or JPG format) are limited to 5MB.
- The maximum number of characters allowed in a text string is 5000. Any extra characters will be removed.
For additional information, please visit Zoom Whiteboard Security and Privacy FAQ.
**Below procedures are for Zoom - Web App**
Zoom Whiteboard Main screen
- Once logged into Zoom, click Whiteboards from the left navigation bar.
The Whiteboards main screen appears.
[Whiteboard main screen showing various options at the top to choose and template icons]
From this screen you can:
- All Whiteboards – View all Whiteboards you have created.
- Recent Whiteboard files - Appear at the top to quickly open.
- My Whiteboards – Quick way to easy find and share a whiteboard you created.
- Shared with Me – Whiteboards that were shared to you.
- Starred – Favorite whiteboards
- Projects – Create a new project
Controls on the top-left and top-right
There are many useful controls located on the top right and left of the whiteboards screen.
[Top left controls on a whiteboard showings, name of whiteboard, and saved, favorite, more actions, timer and laser icons]
*More actions icon includes additional options: Click the link below to learn more about these options.https://support.zoom.com/hc/en/article?id=zm_kb&sysparm_article=KB0061925
[More actions options that include, Board, Preferences, View and Export along with their descriptions]
[Top right controls showing the comment, all eyes on me and share options with descriptions]
Using a Whiteboard Template
Why not use a whiteboard template instead of creating a new whiteboard from scratch.
- From the Template dashboard, click All located in the upper left corner of the Templates screen to view all the templates on one screen and by Categories.
[Template screen showing images of template icons as well as template categories on the left]
2. Click once on a template to preview. Click <Back located in the upper left of the preview window to select another template to preview.
3. Click Use Template from the upper right corner of the preview window to insert this template into the whiteboard.
The Template appears on the screen, along with a whiteboard editing toolbar located on the left side of the screen.
- Once a tool is selected, the cursor changes to indicate the current tool being used.
- For most of the controls, move the cursor on the canvas to create an object of that type.
- The cursor will switch once a new tool is selected.
[Whiteboard editing toolbar on left side of screen]
Editing tool icons with Descriptions
[Editing tool icons with descriptions table]
Insert a template into an existing whiteboard
With a whiteboard on the screen, click the Templates icon
from the left navigation bar and the templates dashboard appears.
- From the left menu, select a category and search for a specific template you want to use.
- Click the ellipsis … in the lower right corner of the template you want to use.
- Click Preview (optional) to view the template before choosing the template.
- Click Use Template and the selected template will be inserted onto the opened whiteboard.
Sharing a whiteboard
The quickest way to share a whiteboard is to use a shareable link. This link is accessible to those inside and outside of the organization as long as they have a Zoom account. https://support.zoom.com/hc/en/article?id=zm_kb&sysparm_article=KB0058153
Click Share
located in the upper right corner of an open whiteboard screen.
The Share Whiteboard dialog box appears.
2. Begin typing an email address, if that person has a Zoom account (will need a paid license through RPI) their name will appear below for you to choose.
If they are outside of RPI, type the full email address and that address will appear in the Contact, Channel or Email field.
[Share whiteboard dialog box showing address line, access rights and link access]
Email addresses outside of RPI:
- Person receives the following email on the right.
- Click Open in the email and if they do not have a Zoom account, they will be prompted to download the Zoom app and will need to create a new Zoom account.
- Once the Zoom account is created, click Open again from the original email and the Zoom app will automatically open for them to login and then the whiteboard file opens in the Zoom app.
[Sample of an email that an outside address receives with Open highlighted]
For Link Access, click the drop-down arrow to the right, below Link Access and choose one of the following:
[Link access drop-down arrow highlighted]
- Only invited members can access this board (default): Only specific individuals or channels will have access.
- Anyone at (Company Name): Enables permission for the entire account without having to name individual users (for example, make the board accessible to your entire company).
- Anyone with the link can view this board: Makes the board available to all users with a Zoom account, including users outside your organization.
For Permission level: for those who can access the link, click the drop-down arrow to the right of the person’s name and choose one of the following:
[Permission level drop-down arrow highlighted showing the following selections: Editor, Commenter and Viewer]
- Editor: Those with link access can edit the board.
- Commenter: Those with link access can comment on the board.
- Viewer: Those with link access can view the board.
- Remove: Remove a person’s access or permissions from the board.
Deleting (move to trash) and recovering a whiteboard
Account owners and co-owners can delete whiteboards from the Zoom desktop, mobile app, Zoom Web App, or from the Zoom web portal. Deleted whiteboards are moved to trash. You have up to 30 days to recover the deleted whiteboard.
Move a whiteboard to trash
- While in the All Whiteboards view, locate the file you want to move to trash and then click the ellipsis … to the far right.
- Choose Move to Trash.
With the whiteboard on the screen
- Click More options icon
from the top left side.
- Choose Board --> Move to Trash
Recovering a whiteboard
- Click Trash from the top of the Zoom window.
- Check the box on the left to select the file you want to restore.
- Click the ellipsis … and then choose Restore.
The file appears under the All Whiteboards view.
[Whiteboard selected on left with Restore option highlighted]
4. From the dialog box, click Restore.
Board History and Versions
Board History allows you to review the activity of changes as well as restoring previous versions of the whiteboard.
- Click More options icon
from the top left side.
- Choose Board --> Board History
The Board History side bar appears on the right showing the Activity tab for that whiteboard.
[Board History from the right side bar with dates highlighted]
- Click More options icon
from the top left side.
- Choose Board-->Board History
- Click the Versions tab.
Versions for that whiteboard appear.
[Board History under Versions tab ellipsis ... highlighted to the right of a version]
4. Click once on one of the versions and that version of the whiteboard appears.
5. Click the ellipsis … and choose to:
- Restore to use that version as current
- Rename to change the name of the whiteboard
- Duplicate to make a copy of the whiteboard
- Delete to delete this version
Uploading documents and images to the whiteboard
Sharing diagrams, charts and other documents as well as images can be uploaded into a whiteboard.
- While in a whiteboard, from the toolbar on the left click the Upload tool
- Choose a file and then click Open.
The file or image file is inserted in the whiteboard.
- Click the file or image and drag to move.
- Click the handle to resize.
- Click once on a file and the context bar appears. There are many features to choose from under the ellipsis …
[Whiteboard with file and image highlighted on the right]
Saving the whiteboard as a .pdf, .png or .csv
- From the top left control bar, click the more options and then click Export.
- Choose PDF (.pdf), PNG Image (.png) or Comma Separated Value (.csv)
[Export PDF (.pdf) option highlighted]
The Export dialog box appears.
3. Choose Export.
4. Select a format.
A dialog box appears, with the Export and Format areas already selected for that format.
5. Click Export.
NOTE: A different dialog box appears, depending on the format selected.
Getting Started with Zoom Whiteboard
Using Zoom Whiteboard templates
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