This document contains basic instructions for preparing your thesis for printing using LaTeX or a Microsoft Word Template.
Please consult the Office of Graduate Education Thesis Preparation Guide for non-printing instructions.
LaTeX is a markup language to typeset documents. It excels at making math and the overall layout beautiful.
- LaTeX Introduction/Quick-start guide
- Introduction to Text Formatting with LaTeX
- Preparing a Thesis with LaTeX [PDF file, dated January 2021]
LaTeX Thesis Class
The thesis document class is used to produce either a master's or a doctoral thesis that meets the formatting requirements of the Graduate School.
- Save the file thesis.cls in the same directory as the other .tex files that make up your thesis, or put it in LaTeX's normal input path in a subfolder called "thesis".
LaTeX Template Files
A set of thesis template (or prototype) files is available for a quick setup. Each file contains the commands to produce a particular part of a thesis.
Short thesis (about 20-30 pages)
For a short thesis (about 20-30 pages), use rpithes-short.tex (complete thesis). This is set to produce a Master's thesis, but can be changed by un-commenting the title, as described in the file.
Longer Thesis
For a long thesis use rpithes.tex. This will typeset a Ph.D. thesis, but can be changed by including the rpititle-mas.tex file. Instructions on how to do this are included in the rpithes.tex file.
rpititle-mas.tex or rpititle-phd.tex
rpi_seal.png (approved Rensselaer seal)
Zip archive (Includes all files)
Conversion from LaTeX to PDF
Please note that when you submit your thesis electronically, you will be asked for files in PDF format. Conversion from LaTeX to PDF is free and straightforward; for detailed instructions read Creating a PDF File from a LaTeX Thesis.
Microsoft Word - Rensselaer thesis template
Rensselaer provides a Microsoft Word template designed to produce either a master's or a doctoral thesis that meets the formatting requirements of the Graduate School. The template below is a Word version of OGE’s Preparation Manual with the proper formatting embedded in the document. To use this template, simply remove the OGE information and insert your own.
Please also note that the Office of Graduate Education has prepared specific guidelines for the formatting and layout of your thesis. Although the RPI MS Word template produces an acceptable format, you should be familiar with the OGE Preparation Manual for Theses and Dissertations.
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