Many audio files can be transcribed as text in word. The transcribe service can be used for many different types of audio files (.wav, .mp4, .mfa, .mp3) as well as recording audio. So the VoiceMessage.wav file in Outlook that is generated for voicemails if you have this option setup, can be transcribed as text in word.
- Save the audio file.
NOTE: The VoiceMessage.wav file shown below is from a voicemail left and sent as an attachment to your Outlook. (see article: Receiving Voicemail as a E-Mail Attachments to set this up)
2. Click the drop-down arrow to the right and choose Save As.
[VoiceMessage.wav file highlighting Save As option]
3. Open Word.
4. Click Dictate and choose Transcribe from the ribbon.
[Dictation button on the ribbon highlighting Transcribe option]
5. From the right side panel click Upload audio.
6. Locate the audio file and choose Open.
On the left you will see the Transcribing audio file bar moving as the file is being transcribed. When this is complete you may see several sections of the audio file broken down into seconds/min.
7. Before adding a section, you can change what information to add to the document by choosing the Add to document button at the bottom left of the Transcribe panel. This will add then entire transcript to the document.
[Add to document options]
8. Click the Add section to document button located in the upper right corner of each sections to add them to the word document.
[Add section to document button highlighted]
That section is added to the word document. Repeat step 7 until all the sections have been added.
Word is good at transcribing all the words in the audio file, however you may find some words are not correct. So you will want to read over the text before saving.
Start a new transcription
Once you have added all the sections to the Word document, you can bring in other audio files by using the New transcription button. NOTE: This will delete the current transcript (sections) and add the new transcription (sections) for you to add to the document.
- Click the New transcription button located in the lower right of the Transcribe window.
[New transcription dialog box warning your current transcript will be deleted]
2. Follow steps 5-8 to add the new transcript sections.
Receiving Voicemail as a E-Mail Attachments
How to use the Dictation feature in Word 2019, Outlook 2019, Word 365, Outlook 365 and macOS
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