Box gives you the option to create documents in Word, PowerPoint, or Excel.
Go through Accessing Links in Mediasite videos before starting the training below.
Training Video - Box at RPI - Opening a Document
Training Video - Box at RPI - File Options
Creating and Opening a Document in Box
Box allows you to create documents in Word, PowerPoint, or Excel.
NOTE: The New button will not be available unless you are in a folder.
- While in a folder, click New (located in the upper right corner) and then choose the document type within the list.
[New button showing the following selections, Folder, Bookmark, Box Note, box Note From Template, Word Document, PowerPoint Presentation and Excel Spreadsheet]
- Type the name of the document and then click “Create”.
The new document opens in the application you chose, asking if you would like to lock the file.
- Click Close if you do not want to lock the file, then begin working on the document.
- Click Save when you are finished creating the document. Since this document was created while in Box, it automatically saves in Box.
Percipio Training Video:Creating a new document
Opening a Document in the Box Window
Before working on a document, you can open a document right from the Box window.
Recent Files
You can quickly open a recent file by clicking once on one of the file icons at the top of the Box window.
[Recent file icons]
- Click once on a file name.
The document opens in Box. Several options appear at the top right corner of the Box window.
- You can choose the three dots (which are called ellipses (…)) to view more options, for instance “print”.
- You can choose “Open”, to open the document in the application it was created in. (The file opens in the app it was created in and you have the option to lock the file.)
- You can choose “Download”, to save the document to your local computer.
To close the document and return to the “All Files” area in Box:
- Click the “X” located in the upper right corner of the box task bar to close the document.
Percipio Training Video: Opening Files on Box
More Actions When a Document is Open in Box
With a document open, there are many actions that you can apply, such as renaming, adding to favorites, move or copy, lock, view the properties, versions, and print.
- Select the “More Options” button with the ellipses (. . .) located in the upper-right corner of the Box task bar.
Download - opens the document in the application.
- Click to highlight a file.
- Click the Download button located at the located in the upper right corner of the Box task bar and the document appears at the bottom of the screen.
- Click once on the file name and this document opens in the application it was created in on the screen.
Share - allows you to copy and paste this link or email this link to a person or group of people.
NOTE: When sharing a document, it is best to create a new folder with that the document(s) are saved to and then share out the folder. This will allow you to update the access levels easier.
[Shared link dialog box with people in your company selected]
A shared link is a URL sent to recipients to access a specific file or folder. This URL is easy to copy and paste and can have defined permissions levels and security settings. A shared link can send content internally as well as externally. Someone does not need a Box account to receive a shared link.
More Options
Upload New Version – Opens your files for you to choose a new version of the document on the screen.
- Click once on the ellipses (. . .) located in the upper right corner of the Box task bar.
- Choose a new version of this document from the list of files.
- Click Open.
Rename – change the name of the document
- Click once on the button with the three dots located in the upper right corner of the Box task bar.
- Choose Rename.
- Type a new name in the Name field.
- Click Save.
Collections/Favorites – add frequently used folders/files to a collection or favorites
- Click once on the ellipses (. . .) located in the upper right corner of the Box task bar.
- Hover over Collections
- Choose a Collection, create a new collection, or add to favorites.
The item now appears on the left side of the navigation pane in the specific collection or within favorites.
4. Under Collections/Favorites, click the “X” at the end of the folder/file name to remove from the that area.
[Hand icon on X to right of the file name]
Move or Copy – move or copy the document viewed on the screen to a different folder
- Click once on the ellipses (. . .) located in the upper right corner of the Box task bar.
- Choose Move or Copy
- Type the name of the folder in the search bar or scroll to locate the folder.
[Move or Copy window showing one of the files is selected]
4. Click once in the circle to the right of the folder to select that folder.
5. Choose either the Move or the Copy button located at the bottom of this window.
Move or Copy – move or copy the document viewed on the screen to a different folder.
- Click once on the button with the three dots located in the upper right corner of the Box task bar.
- Choose Move or Copy
- Type the name of the folder on the search bar or use the scroll bar to locate the folder.
- Click once in the circle to the right of the folder to select that folder
- Choose either the Move or the Copy button located at the bottom of this window.
Print – You can choose to print the document with the document on the screen.
- Click once on the ellipses (. . . ) with the three dots located in the upper right corner of the Box task bar.
- Choose Print and the Ready to print dialog box opens.
- Click Print.
- The print window opens with the printer settings. Make changes to these settings, and then click Print.
Download (Edit) and Share Documents
Edit - To edit a document you must first “Download” the document and edit this in the original application.
- Click once on a document in Box, and then click once on the Download button located in the upper right corner of the Box task bar.
The document appears in the lower task bar.
- Click once on the document name and the document opens in the application on the screen.
- Click Enable Editing if this appears at the top and begin editing the document.
Share – A document can be shared to anyone at RPI (people in your company) or with those external to RPI (people with the link). NOTE: this will only share the document, not allow editing.
- Click once on a document in Box, and then click once on the Share button located in the upper right corner of the Box task bar.
- Invite People - Type the name and choose from the list below or type an email address.
- Choose if they will be an Editor or Viewer of the shared document.
Share a link
- Slide the Share Link button to the right to open a link to copy.
[Share link window with hand icon on share link button]
This Link can now be copied by clicking the “Copy” button and paste into an email or names can be added under “Email Shared Link” to email this to one person or to a group of people.
The second way is to email this link to those on the Invite People line. Before this link is sent through an email you should choose the link options below the link and determine who will be receiving this link and can they view and download or just view.
[Share link window showing hand icon on people in your company and the hand icon on can view and download option]
Sharing with RPI Faculty/Staff that have a Box account – Choose People in your company, and then begin typing the Faculty/Staff person’s name and then select them from the list
[Shared link dialog box highlighting People in your company and the Email Shared Link box]
Sharing with someone outside of RPI – Choose People with the link, and then those who do not have a Box @RPI account (external) people can view the document if they have a generic Box account. Those who do not have a Box account will need to setup a free account from box.com.
NOTE: For external email addresses, when they click on the link:
- They will be prompted to create a free box account just adding their name and a password.
- Once signed in they may get a message that the file can’t be found. They should click All Files. Accept terms. Then click on All Files again.
[Shared link dialog box highlighting People with the link and Message box that includes a message]
3. Click Send.
Deleting a Document
- With the document closed, highlight the document you want to delete.
- Click the trash button located in the upper right corner of the Box window or click “. . .” to the right of the file and choose Trash.
- On the screen a dialog box appears asking “Are you sure you want to delete this item?” Click Okay and the document is deleted.
Document and Folder Options for Owners
[Owners features bar showing ellipses, create and share buttons]
[Ellipses, create and share buttons]
Last Reviewed: 30-Mar-2021
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