Collaborators are invited and given specific access to a file or folder. This is great way to share content for projects. Folder collaborators will need to register for a Box account.
Collaborators can:
- add other collaborators
- setup permission levels
- depending on their access level, view, edit, upload/download documents, make comments or tasks
A shared link is a URL sent to recipients to access a specific file or folder this URL is easy to copy and paste and that have defined permissions levels and security settings. A shared link can send content internally as well as externally. Someone does not need a Box account to receive a shared link.
Training Video - Box at RPI - Inviting Collaborators
Training Video - Box at RPI - Modifying/Removing Collaborators
Collaborator Permission Levels
Understanding Collaborator Permission Levels
Inviting Collaborators
The share window is where you can invite people to collaborate on a file or folder.
To open the Share window:
- In the Box window, click anywhere but on a file or folder title to highlight the line for this this file or folder you want to share.
- Click the Share button located to the far right of the file or folder. You can also click the right mouse button and choose Share.
[Box folder highlighting the Share button]
The share window appears.
To invite someone to collaborate in a file or folder:
- In the Share window, under Invite People, click in the Add names or email addresses box.
- Type a collaborator's name or email address.
- Click the drop-down icon beside Invite as. Box displays a list of roles.
- Click a role you wish to assign to the collaborator.
NOTE: When inviting collaborators to a single file, the only available access level is Editor. You can change this access level to Viewer from the Manage Collaborators page. These are the only access levels available for collaborators on a single file.
[Share window with a name in the Invite People area showing the many access levels]
5. In the Message field, type a message of up to 750 characters for the collaborator.
- The message field does not permit URLs.
- The message field is limited to 750 characters.
- Click Send.
When you click on a folder/file, anyone who has access, will appear in the upper right corner of the box window
[Sharing area showing a list of collaborators]
The folder turns “blue” indicating that it is a “Collaborated folder”.
[Highlight collaborated folder]
Example of the email that the collaborator owner receives when a new collaborator accepts the invite:
[Email showing that a collaborator accepted the invite]
Modify Collaborators Access Level
Modifying a collaborators access level in a folder:
- Click to select the folder and view the collaborators on the right side of the Box window under the Sharing category.
- Click the ellipses (. . .) to the right of a collaborators name and choose a different access level.
[collaborator sharing area showing two collaborators listed and the ellipses highlighted showing access levels list on the right]
Removing Collaborators Access
- Click to select the folder and view the collaborators on the right side of the screen under Sharing
- Click the three dots to the right of a collaborators name or the ellipses (. . .) and choose Remove
Hide Collaborators
Owners and Co-Owners of folders have the ability to “hide collaborators”. Those with “Editor” access or below will not be able to see other collaborators names (only Co-Owners will be able to see all collaborators)
- Right click on a folder or click by the folder you want to” Hide Collaborators” for that specific folder.
- Choose Settings
- Select “Hide collaborators and their activity from non-owners” under Privacy and select “Only collaborators can access this folder via shared links? “ under the Shared Link Access.
[under settings, privacy feature has "Hide collaborators and their activity from non-owners" selected and in the second box the Shared Link Access "Only collaborators can access this folder via shared links" selected]
4. Click “Save Changes” located in the upper right of the setting screen.
Accept and Reject Invitations from Collaborators
Last Reviewed: 17-Nov-2022
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