If you do not have an account on events.rpi.edu Submit a Request to request access.
- Login with your RCS ID and password to: https://events.rpi.edu/caladmin.
- You will see the following screen of buttons
[Events screen buttons]
OR you many need to choose Your Administrative Group by clicking on one of the links in the table (Admissions, Lally, etc.).
- Click on the Manage Contacts button to see if the contact for this event is included in the list. NOTE: If the contact is in the list, you can update their information by clicking once on their name. Once you make the changes, click the Update Contact button.
[Manage Contacts screen]
If not, click on the Add Contact button at the top of the Manage Contacts screen and add the contact information and then click the Add Contact button. Click the Main Menu tab in the upper left corner to go back to Main Menu.
[Contact Information form]
2. Click on the Add Event icon from the Main Menu page.
3. Fill out your Event information in the form. The various field definitions appear below.
Form fields
Field |
Instructions |
Title | Be descriptive and as clear as possible, but try not to use super-long titles. |
Date & Time |
Enter both start and end times in 24-hour/military format. This information should only apply to the actual date of the event itself. Enter appropriate start and end dates/times to display a range of dates for events (such as colloquia, event registration, etc.) that last more than one day. |
Recurrence | Avoid using the event recurs tag. Recently, events entered with this tag have not been getting pulled into the Morning Mail queue correctly. If you have similar events that happen on a regular basis, it's probably best to enter them all individually. |
Status |
Confirmed is generally the default. If you find that an event has been postponed or cancelled, log back in and change its status to Canceled. However, if an event is cancelled, DO NOT delete it from the calendar altogether. Doing this will break any links that existed between the calendar event and any Morning Mail notices that may have already gone out. |
Description |
Limit to only 500 characters (including spaces). |
Cost | (optional) |
Event URL | Add URL here (not in the description) to direct readers back to more complete information about the event, such as an announcement on a department's website. |
Image | (optional) - thumbnail should be 80px wide |
Location | See "How to enter a new location" if your event's location is not in the drop-down list. |
Contact | See "How to enter a new contact" if your event's contact info is not in the drop-down list. |
Topical Area(s) |
Check the tags/topics you want to apply to your event. There are a lot, but the tags you choose should only reflect the what the event is about and/or its type (lecture/seminar, etc.). Do not select a whole bunch of tags for folks you think may be interested in the event. DO NOT use the Academic Calendar tag. If you do, it will incorrectly appear in the campus' official academic calendar. If you want your event to get pulled into the Morning Mail queue, be sure to select the most appropriate Morning Mail-related tag for your event: Faculty and Staff, Students, or Community (which applies to everyone on campus). See "Preparing calendar events for Morning Mail" for more information. |
[Table of Event information fields]
6. Click the Add Event button at the bottom of the window to save the event. to the calendar.
How to cancel or delete an event
Training Video - Add/Update a Contact and adding an Event in the Events Calendar
Last Reviewed: 30-Nov-2023
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