Former students do not have access to SIS. If need a transcript must request an official transcript.
- Or go to National Student Clearinghouse Transcript.
- Click Order Transcript(s).
- Enter in name, date of birth, Rensselaer Identification Number (RIN) or social security number, and if currently enrolled.
- If not currently enrolled then answer No to 1980 question and estimate the years of attendance. If you attended RPI only before 1980 and no later or graduated before 1980 answer "Yes" and refer to article Attended Only/Graduated before 1980.
- List your address, email, and phone number.
- Select when you want transcript processed
- Current Transcript-Process As Is. This option is sent right away and selected by current enrolled or was awarded a degree on December 2023 or earlier.
- After Degree is Awarded. This option holds processing until the August 2024 graduating students degrees are posted latest on September 16th, 2024.
- After Grades Are Posted. This option holds processing till grades are posted for the Summer 2024 semester until August 23rd.
- Select reason for request, delivery method, how many copies, and upload attachments.
- Delivery Methods are hold for pickup, email, US regular mail, certified, express, and international. It is $10 per transcript ordered unless you order certified, express or international processing & delivery fees will apply.
- Upload attachments option you can upload any forms that need to be included. Except you cannot send other admission documents such as high school transcript, other colleges transcript, AP or TOEFL with your transcript through NSC.
- Select Add to Cart and Checkout.
- It will ask that you sign with your mouse, pay with credit card, and then click Submit Order.
None at this time.
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