You should have already received your 16-digit pin. Please read through this article and at the bottom click on <Continue to Account Retrieval Tool> at the bottom.
NOTE: If you have already used your 16-digit pin to retrieve your userid and a temporary password, you will need to submit a Support Request requesting a reset as it only works once. Please provide your full name, RIN and a non-RPI email address.
New Account Pickup
Congratulations on your decision to join Rensselaer! As one of the newest members of the Rensselaer community you are now eligible to pick up your Rensselaer Computing System (RCS) userid on-line. Your RCS userid will allow you to access your Rensselaer email and comes with many other privileges that you will be able to take advantage of as a member of the Rensselaer community. We’d like to invite you to follow the Account Retrieval Tool below to activate your account – but first a few important points.
- In order to begin the activation process you will need the 16 digit PIN number sent to your email address.
- After entering your PIN and date of birth, you will be given your RCS userid and a temporary password to your RCS account that has been randomly generated and is close to impossible to remember – WRITE IT DOWN exactly as it appears – it is case sensitive and may include characters, numbers and/or punctuations. You can also leave this browser tab open and open a new tab to prepare for changinging our password.
- In activating your account, almost immediately after you are given this password, the system will prompt you to change it to something that is more familiar to you and that you are more likely to remember.
- Keep track of your password! For security reasons passwords cannot be given out over the phone or via email. Passwords must be 15 to 30 characters in length and must contain at least one non-alpha character (a number, punctuation, etc.).
- If you need your PIN reset, please submit an online Support Request or call the help desk at 518.276.7777 Once your PIN number is used, it can not used again until it is reset by help desk.
Important Note: After you retrieve your account information and have waited at least 15 minutes your next step will be to configure Duo Mobile.
Duo Mobile - Multi-Factor Authentication
Please visit this section of the knowledge base for useful information for those new to the community:
New to Rensselaer community - for Students, Faculty and Staff
Account Retrieval Tool
This tool allows you to retrieve your Rensselaer Computing Services (RCS) account information. Your RCS account provides access to e-mail, wi-fi, the learning management system, public computers, printing, and many other services.
To use this tool, you:
- Must be a current member of the Rensselaer community (this includes accepted students)
- Need to have been issued a 16-character PIN.
Please submit a Support Request if you have not been issued a PIN or if you've already used the PIN as it need to be reset to use again, or for any other difficulties with this process or your RCS account (including password reset requests). Please include your full name and RIN for identity verification.
Please do not press the back button during the registration process. For security reasons, backing up to previous pages is disallowed.
When you have your Registration PIN in front of you, click below to continue and follow the directions for retrieving your RCS userid and temporary password - waiting 15 minutes before changing that password and waiting an additional 15 minutes before using it.
When entering your date of birth use the format: DD-Mon-YYYY
For example a date of birth of 10/19/1999 would be: 19-Oct-1999
Continue to Account Retrieval Tool
Last Reviewed: 15-Jul-2024
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