We recommend Bluetooth or wired speakers.
We do not recommend Wi-Fi speakers at RPI.
Consumer wireless speakers assume you are at home on a flat network, use weak or no encryption and trust everyone on your network. These assumptions do not apply at Rensselaer.
A solution is to use Bluetooth speakers or a Bluetooth receiver with audio output that normal speakers plug into.
Explanation: Apple AirPlay technology and Wi-Fi speakers, in general, are limited to a single subnet. It cannot cross networks. While we could put the speakers on RPI_NETREG, they would never see the music stream from a computer plugged into our wired network. If you tried to stream from another wireless device, it would only work when the two devices happened to be assigned to the same network. The SSID does not matter. The SSIDs only control how you connect, not which network you end up on.
This is a known issue that vendors have not dealt with yet. Until then, Bluetooth is the way to go.
I Still want to try
First, you need to register the wifi speaker to use SSID: rpi_netreg. Log in here to register your Wi-Fi Speaker
Follow the manufacturer's instructions to configure your device. If you need assistance please contact the Help Desk or file a support ticket.
If it doesn't work
Try disconnecting your wireless phone or laptop from the wireless network and reconnecting. That may force it onto the same wireless network as the speaker. You may have to do this every time you return to your room.
Does the volume suddenly change, turn on/off or play strange music? Then another student is controlling your speaker.
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