A network location is a set of network preferences. The Location menu in Network Preferences allows you to save and quickly switch between multiple network locations. It can also be used as a network troubleshooting step when you can connect your Mac to WiFi but getting no internet connection.
- Choose Apple menu on the top left corner > System Preferences, then click Network.
[System Preferences screen showing Network selected] - The Location pop-up menu shows the name of your currently selected set of network settings. The default location is named Automatic. Choose Edit Locations from this menu.
[Network screen highlighting Location as Automatic]
3. Click on + to add a new location, type RPI in a name of location, hit done and
then click apply.
[Network screen showing RPI selected in Locations]
4. Select to connect to rpi_wpa2 and you may be asked to authenticate yourself again with your RCS username and password.
5. Verify network connection by launching Safari or Chrome and go to rpi.edu and cnn.com
Last Reviewed: 01-Feb-2023
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