As of the Fall 2012 semester, students are no longer allowed to run their own wireless routers or access points. ResLife placed wireless routers and access points on their banned items list, so please leave them at home!
All residence halls, with Rensselaer wireless service, should have full coverage of lounges and bedrooms. Any student-run wireless routers or access points will cause significant interference to this service, and it will not be possible to provide both full RPI coverage and still allow students to run their own routers.
Since personal routers and access points are banned from ResNET, the DotCIO staff are committed to providing coverage to all students. If there is any wireless coverage problem in your room, please Submit an online Support Request. Don't assume someone else has reported it! In the request, please be specific when you report the problem; the more details you provide, the faster the problem can be fixed. Please provide:
- Your building and room number
- What type of problem are you having, such as:
- No signal
- Weak signal
- You can connect but can't log in
- Your connection drops or resets frequently
- You can see other wireless networks
We recognize that there may be a special need for personal wireless that we cannot foresee, so if you believe you have such a need, please Submit an online Support Request. It will be reviewed for a temporary exception or possible changes to the network depending on the situation, and we be able to offer wireless solutions you hadn't considered.
A special note to gamers
A wired connection offers full duplex which will improve your gaming experience.
We recommend that you connect your wireless devices to SSID rpi_wpa2, as it provides authenticated and encrypted connections. If your device -- specifically your gaming console -- does not support either of these methods, you can connect to SSID rpi_netreg, which will require MAC address registration but does not provide encryption.
Network registration requests may take up to three business days to process; you will receive an e-mail confirmation once your device has been registered. Please note that SSID rpi_netreg is not broadcast, so you will need to configure your device in order to connect to the appropriate SSID.
You may also find the additional information on how to determine your gaming device's wireless physical adapter address helpful.
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