Remote support provides the ability to receive desk side service without IT Staff being physically present at your computer. It allows the remote IT staff to view and control your desktop remotely. All remote support sessions require your consent before the software initiates a connection.
Requests for IT support should be initiated via normal channels.
- Visit https://support.rpi.edu for recent announcements, current help desk hours and an introduction to ITSSC (IT Services and Support Center). Click on Get Help to enter ITSSC. This site has many self-help articles. Or you Enter an online Support Request by logging in (if you can) from the upper right and then click on Submit a Request.
- You can also call the Help Desk located in the VCC at: 518.276.7777
- If IT Staff are going to initiate a remote support session, they will instruct you on how they are going to connect. In many cases they will direct you to enter a session key at https://remotesupport.server.rpi.edu/
- You may disconnect remote support at any time by clicking STOP SHARING
Remote Support Site - https://remotesupport.server.rpi.edu/
RPI provides remote support using a software product called BeyondTrust Remote Support (Powered by Bomgar). This software supports all common computer OS's including MacOS, Windows, common Linux distribution, iOS and Android.
Starting a Remote Computer Support Session for:
1. There are two ways you can connect remotely:
a. Email - A Help Desk Representative generates an email message containing a hyperlink for the customer to click and start the download of the customer client needed for a secure connection.
Example of Email sent
Smith, Jane would like to start a support session with you. To do so, please click on the link below and follow the online instructions.
Bomgar enables a support representative to view your screen in order to assist you. Session traffic is fully encrypted to protect your system's data. Once a session has begun, you will be able to end it at any time.
b. URL - Open a browser and type: remotesupport.rpi.edu and then type a session key (number) given to you by the help desk. Then click "Submit"
[Window showing the DotCIO Help Desk Remote Support page with the Representatives name and the box to type in the Session Key]
2. Access Request dialog box appears, click "Allow" and now the Help Desk Representative can control your screen.
- Download and open the “BeyondTrust Support” application from the App store.
[Image of the BeyondTrust Support Application]
- Type the following on the login page:
Site Address line: remotesupport.server.rpi.edu
Session Key: (This number will be given to you by the support rep)
[BeyondTrust window showing the login screen with the Site Address and Session Key fields]
- Tap Submit
- Tap Accept
- Tap “Allow” when you see Help Desk staff’s name asking for full access
- Tap “Screen Record”
button located in the upper left of the BeyondTrust screen
- Tap “Start Broadcast”
Now you can move around on your iPhone screen and the Help Desk Representative can see your screen.
NOTE: When the Help Desk Representative ends the session you will see a "Screen Broadcasting" message appear letting you know the session has ended.
- Tap OK
1. Download and open the “BeyondTrust Support” application from the Google Play store.
[Beyond Trust Support installation page from google play store]
2. Type the following on the login page:
Site Address line: remotesupport.server.rpi.edu
Session Key: (This number will be given to you by the support rep)
3. There will be several access pages to allow. See them listed below:
Notifications, Access to Contacts, Access To phone Calls, Access to Photos Videos Music Audio
4. You will then need to activate the Device Admin App - This will allow for the remote control of the device - Select Activate
5. If it is a Samsung device, you may get a notification from Samsung Knox - Select Agree
6. Another Popup will appear - Start Recording or Casting with Support? - Select Start Now
7. BeyondTrust will ask you if you have read and agreed to the Terms - Select Accept
8. Accessibility Settings will then prompt you to allow the support app to control your device remotely - Select Installed Apps
[Main Accessibility Settings Page]
9. Select Support
[Installed apps page where support settings are located]
10. Turn the Off switch to the On position
[Support App accessibility settings to allow for remote control]
11. Go back to the BeyondTrust Remote Support app and the representative should have full control of the device.
Last Reviewed: 05-Mar-2024
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