Box Drive brings your entire Box folder tree to your desktop. This allows you to access all the files on box through your desktop Box folder. Box Drive also supports making files available offline, so you can work on them while disconnected from the Internet. Box Drive synchronizes the versions as soon as you go back online.
- Box Drive is very easy to use and you have access to all of the content you have stored in Box from your desktop.
- It ensures all of your content is up-to-date, saving all changes you make to your files.
- Box offers an offline feature that allows you to work on your Box Drive files without even being connected to the Internet. When you get back online, Box Drive automatically uploads your file changes.
Switching from box sync to box drive
If you already have been using Box Sync, you will want to follow the steps below to switch to Box Drive.
NOTE: Make sure all of your files have been synced to Box.
Step 1: Check that all your files are synced to box
- Use the desktop Sync icons(1) to verify that the syncing process has completed(2) and that no problem file notifications appeared(3)
[The number 1 with an arrow pointing to Box Sync located on the left navigation pane,. The number 2 pointing to a file in the middle of the screen and the number 3 with an arrow pointing to the Box Sync icon on the right side of the task bar]
Step 2: Uninstall Box Sync
NOTE: A device cannot have both Box Sync and Box Drive installed, so before you install Box Drive you must uninstall Box Sync.
For Windows
- Open the Control Panel (windows) – Finder and then Applications (mac)
- Lower left corner of Windows type “control panel”
[windows search area located in the lower left side of the task bar with the words control panel]
3. Select from list above
4. Under Programs – choose uninstall a program
5. Click Box Sync in the list.
6. Click Uninstall on the top bar.
7. Choose “yes” if asked “Are you sure you want to uninstall Box Sync?
After Box Sync has been removed, you can locate your Box Sync folder from: c: users/(your username)/Box Sync/Documents
Tip: Keep this folder until you are sure all documents have been safely stored in Box.
NOTE: If the Box Sync folder still appears after uninstall Box Sync, you can try deleting the following folders:
- C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Box Sync (Go to Step 5 if you do not see an AppData folder)
- C:\Users\[username]\Box Sync
For Mac
Quit Box Sync from the menu in the task bar.
For users on Mac OS X 10.10+, open System Preferences > Extensions. Click Finder in the left-hand panel and unselect Box Sync Finder Extension.
Delete Box Sync from your Applications folder.
Navigate to the Library folder in your user profile
Click on Go in the upper left hand toolbar
Hold the Alt/Option key on your keyboard and select the Library folder
Note: The library folder is hidden by default. Follow the steps below to locate the Library folder:
In the Library folder, delete the items below:
Macintosh HD/Users/[username]/Library/Logs/Box/Box Sync/
Macintosh HD/Users/[username]/Library/Application Support/Box/Box Sync/
Navigate to your Macintosh HD library
Click the magnifying glass in your upper right corner of the screen
In the Spotlight Search, type Macintosh HD
Select Macintosh HD
In the Finder window, select the Library folder
Delete these items in the Macintosh HD Library
Macintosh HD/Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.box.sync.iconhelper
Delete the Box Sync password items in Keychain. Open Keychain Access from Applications > Utilities. Click on login under Keychains in the top left. Then click on Passwords under Category. Find the Box Sync items and select Delete "Box Sync" in the right-click menu.
Step 3: Install Box Drive
Once Box Sync is uninstalled, you are ready to download the Box Drive installer. If you wish, you can consult detailed installation instructions.
- Once on this page, click “Download Box Drive” and choose for Windows or Mac
- Click on the file that appears at the bottom of the screen.
- At the Box Login, type your email address and RCS password and then click “Log In”
[Box login screen]
- From the RPI’s Box Login page, enter your RCS username ONLY and your RCS password.
- Press Enter or click Login.
Welcome to Box! Appears on the screen and a Box icon appears on your taskbar. You may want to take a quick tour to see how Box drive works.
[Welcome to box screen with Take Tour highlighted in lower right corner of the welcome screen]
- When you complete the tour, click finish and Box opens.
- You will receive an email:
Get more information on using Box Drive.
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