This article covers:
- What is Box Sign?
- Logging into Box Sign
- Navigating the homepage
- The Requester - Sending a document for e-signature
- The Signer - Singer process
- Box Sign - Views (Sent/Search/Filter requests/Details)
- Box Sign template
What is Box Sign?
Box Sign is a secure, seamless way to get your documents signed electronically. It accelerates critical business processes by streamlining e-signature workflow in a secure, seamless and cost-effective way.
Box uses an e-signature provider called “SignRequest”
Once logged into Box Sign, here is what you can do:
- Touch base with those you plan to send workflow to: If you are initiating a workflow with individuals that you haven't worked with before, it would be best to touch base with them to ensure they are agreeable to using this process of electronic signatures.
- Sign and/or request signatures on 40+ file formats and anyone can sign a document, even if they don’t have a Box account
- Identify who needs to sign the documents and choose the order in which people need to sign
- Include customized instructions or other important information in your request
- Add checkboxes in your request to confirm information
- Include additional security options such as password-protection for documents sent, and SMS-based signer verification
- Add text boxes in your request to gather additional information
- Track the status of each signature request you've sent
- Send automated and manual reminders to people who haven't yet signed the document
Logging into Box Sign
- Go to box.com
- Click continue and then type your RCS username/password and choose Login
- While at the Box “All Files” View, click Sign from the left navigation pane.
The Box Sign homepage appears.
Navigating the homepage
[Box Sign Request homepage]
1 Box Sign – Click sign from the navigation pane to launch Box Sign
2 Sent Requests – See all your requests you sent to be signed
3 My Requests – See all of the requests that need your signature – the number to the
right indicates how many requests need to be reviewed.
4 Templates – Click to create a new request template or to access an existing template
5 Request Signature – A new windows launches to choose a file stored in Box or upload a new one to begin the e-signature process
6 Search Requests – Use to Search for a specific request
7 Filters – Select from 12 different request categories to filter on
8 Status – Shows the status of each request
The Requester
Sending a document for e-signature
To organize requests that need a signature, it would be best to create a folder in your Documents folder in Box. For example, you can name it “My Sign Requests”
Steps 1-4 below shows the basics on how to setup an e-signature for signing along with how to use other “optional” features, like adding a password, sending reminders and adding an email notification.
STEP 1: Upload or select a document to be signed
1. From the Sign homepage, click Request Signature located in the upper right corner.
2. Click the + located in the middle of the screen to choose a file from Box, or to upload a document from file explorer.
A new screen appears showing the title of your document.
3. Choose the document and then click Open.
4. Click the radio button to the right to choose a destination folder and then click Save. NOTE: you may want to create a folder called "My Sign Requests"
Your document appears on the screen and you can now add recipients.
STEP 2: Adding or modifying recipients
1. Under Add Recipients located on the right, start typing the name or email address of the recipient(s) that need to sign the document.
2. Click Add. (repeat steps 1 & 2 until all the recipients have been added)
[Recipient list with Add button highlighted]
3. Click to the right of a recipient's name to Modify Recipient. There are many features you can change or turn on such as: changing the recipients Role, Require password, or Removing Recipient.
[Modify Recipient dialog box showing features such as: recipients role, require password, and removing recipient]
Specify the Signing Order
As you add recipients, they will automatically be in signing order, but you can change this order.
- Move the Specify Signing Order slider to the right and then click in each numbered box to the right of the recipient to retype a different number to designate their signing order.
[Specify Signing Order slider moved to the right]
Adding a recipient group
As a signature request sender, you can use the recipient group feature to add single recipients and create a group out of them. NOTE: Only the first person from the recipient group to take action will be able to sign or approve the document.
A Recipient group can be helpful if:
- you know of multiple authorized signers within one organization,
- some signers/approvers of the document are absent or unavailable.
The recipients can be in your enterprise or outside of it, and a recipient group can include both types of users at the same time.
- Add your first two recipients in the Add Recipients field in order for the Add as recipient group box to appear.
- Once the group of recipients are all added, select the checkbox Add as a recipient group and then click Add.
[Add as recipient group box checked off under the Add Recipients field with two recipients added]
The group was created and shows to the right of the first recipient's name.
[recipients name showing one other to the right indicating a group]
3. Click the right arrow to the right of the group and assign the correct role to the recipient group. Available options are: Signer, Get a Copy, or Approver.
You can then:
- specify the signing order
- assign the recipient group to specific fields
- modify the recipient group before you send the signature request
- or remove the group, click the Remove Recipient Group button
NOTE: You can add recipient groups to Box Sign templates.
Restrictions to groups
Number of recipients in a group:
You can add a maximum of 35 unique email addresses to the signature request. Each individual in a recipient group counts towards this total. When you try to add more than 35 recipients to the group, the following error message appears: Failed to add user because it exceeds the maximum 35 unique users per signature request.
Adding the same recipient multiple times:
You can add the same recipient more than once (for example once in a recipient group and once as a required individual signer), but the signing order needs to be different. See the possible error message below:
Sending the request: Failed to send because user dog@box.com has been added multiple times with the same signing order. To proceed, recipients need to have a different signing order to be used multiple times in the same request.
STEP 3: Prepare the Request
Signatures and Fields
1. Drag and drop the fields listed on the right side recipients panel and place them on the document.
Fields include: Signature, Initials, Name, Email, Text Input, Attachment, Dropdown, Stamp, Date Signed, Company, Title, Checkbox and Radio.
NOTE: The following fields support Read-Only: Name, Text Input, Company, Title, Checkbox, Radio Button and Drop-down.
[Arrows pointing to the Signature and Date Signed fields added to a document]
Once a field is added you can right click and open a shortcut menu to: Cut, Copy, Duplicate or Delete this field.
2. Click once inside a field and choose a Recipient (each recipient has a different color)
[Signature field inserted into the document showing a recipients name highlighted]
Once the recipient is selected the field box changes to the color designated for that recipient.
[Signature field showing two different colors]
3. Keep dragging and dropping each field until all the fields for each corresponding recipient have been added to the document.
Example: All three recipients below have their own Signature box, and one has a date box.
[Three arrows showing how each recipients designated color matches the field color that was added to the document]
Adding an Email notification (optional)
1. From the right side panel, scroll down until you see Email Notifications and then click the drop-down arrow to the right.
2. Add a Subject.
2. Type a Message.
3. Move the slider to the right to select “Send automatic reminders” (Optional)
[Email Notifications showing circles with numbers 1 for Subject, 2 for Message and 3 for Send automatic reminders
[Automatic reminder note explaining when the reminder will be sent and how many times]
To set an expiration date
1. From the right side panel slide down and click Options.
2. Slide the Set Expiration button to the right and then type the number of days to indicate when the signature request expires within the Days to Expiration field.
NOTE: You will need to contact the recipients to notify them of the expiration date.
STEP 4: Send the Request
- Click the Send Request button located in the upper right corner of the document window and Box Sign immediately sends the document and signature request. All signers and sender receive an email notification when all signing is complete.
The new request was added to the Sent Requests with the status “In Progress”
[Sent Requests screen showing the new request with the status "In Progress"]
The Signer - Signer process
Now that the document is out for signature, what steps does the signer take to review the document and sign.
NOTE: A signer does not need a Box account to sign a document.
A document can be signed:
- Any time, from any device – desktop or mobile
- By drawing with a mouse, finger, or stylus
- By typing your name and choosing one of the fonts shown
- By choosing a signature previously saved in your profile
Signer process
Once the request is sent, the signer will receive an email that includes a “Review document” button.
Sign the Document
Example: Email signer receives
[Box screen with Review document button highlighted]
NOTE: Currently, documents sent for signature cannot be changed during the signing process. Senders will need to cancel and reissue the signature request.
1. Click Review document.
2. Follow the green arrows at the top and check the agreement box and then click Accept & Continue. NOTE: If this step is not done it will stop the workflow.
[Electronic agreement with an arrow pointing to By checking this box you: and with Accept & Continue button highlighted]
3. Scroll through the document until the green arrow appears. This arrow appears anywhere the signer needs to sign.
a. Signature – Type your name in the “Your Full Name” line or if your name appears below you can click on the font style and choose Adopt
[Signature screen with the cursor in the type your name field]
4. Once the document is signed, the arrow moves to the “Sign” button.
NOTE: During the signing process, the sender can see the progress by logging into Box and then go to Sign / Sent Requests / View Details for that request.
[Document details screen 1 showing pending request and sent status and detail screen 2 showing request viewed and completed status]
5. When all recipients have signed the document – the sender receives an email that states “Document has been completed” and has a link to the signed copy as well as a signing log link with additional information like IP address, email address, time stamp, hash code, signature and more.
[Document has been completed email]
Signing the document with a password
- Click "Review Document"
- Enter the password that was provided to you, and accept the electronic record and signature disclosure to continue.
- Scroll down the document until a green arrow appears - this will guide you through signing the document.
- Once signing is complete, the arrow guides them to the "Sign" button.
- Once your document has been signed by all signers, everyone receives an email that states, "Document signed."
a. This email includes a link to the signed copy and the signing log. The signing log has additional information regarding the signing process.
Box Sign - Views
Sent Requests
When you open Box sign, the sent requests view appears with request information in real-time, such as: Title/Sent/Last Updated and Status.
Use the search bar located in the upper right part of the interface to quickly locate a specific request.
[Highlighted Search box located in the upper right corner of the Sign screen]
Filter requests
The filter icon allows you to choose 6 different categories to filter your requests.
[Filter button highlighted]
The details view provides a summary of the document sent for e-signature.
- While viewing Sent Requests, click the View Details button to the far right of any request.
- Click More Options " . . . " to view features such as manually Send a Reminder, Revise/Cancel/Delete a request.
[Features under more options and View Details button highlighted]
Details screen
[Details view showing, link to file, status updates, message notes, creation date and time]
Box Sign template
A template is a great way to save time if you consistently send the same document for signature. You can customize the fields like specifying recipients’ roles to modifying the email message.
Templates can be created by selecting “Templates” on the “Sign” home page or when saving a prepared document.
Creating a template from the "Sign" homepage
1. Click the Templates button.
[Sign homepage with Templates button highlighted]
2. Click the New Templates button in the upper right corner.
3. Click the “+” under Choose or Upload a Document and then select to choose a document from Box or upload a document.
[Choose or Upload a Document screen]
4. Locate the file and then click Select.
5. Click the Continue button in the upper right corner.
Customizing the template
When adding recipients, think about the titles of placeholders for the types of signers you will be sending this template to. Example: if you need a Vendor or Sales Rep to always sign the document and you do not know their name, you can use a generic place holder like, Vendor or Sales Rep for this specific document.
Placeholders can be modified by clicking once on the recipient, which opens the “Modify Recipient” page.
Adding a placeholder and setting up the document
1. Type the placeholder title in the “Add a recipient” line and press Enter.
[Vendor Sales Rep in the Add a recipient field as a placeholder]
The new placeholder is added.
2. Repeat step 1 until all placeholders are added.
[Recipients screen with 3 placeholders added]
3. Add settings such as: signatures & fields, signing order and email notifications and reminder (optional), which will carry over in future templates.
[Signature, Date Signed and Initial fields added to the document where the placeholders appear]
4. Click the Save Template button located in the upper right of the screen and the template has been added to the Templates view on the Box Sign homepage.
Using the Template
1. Move your mouse over the template and choose the Use Template button located to the right of the template.
[Use Template button highlighted from the templates screen]
2. Click the Continue button located in the upper right of the screen.
3. Click on each Recipient and add their email address.
4. Edit or make any other adjustments, like adding more fields and email notifications.
5. Click the Send Request
Creating a template from a prepared document
1. Organize your document with the necessary signers, fields, etc.
2. Click Options à Save as Template located at the bottom of the right navigation bar.
[Template options screen with Save As Template button highlighted]
This template has been added to the template page ready for you to use.
Information Classification Policy
Sending a document for signature
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