All MyMediasite content is automatically captioned using Vidable provided by Mediasite, an AI automatic captioning utility. While it has a high accuracy rate, it is not always perfect, and at times captions may need fine-tuning.
Everyone is able to manually edit existing captions through the use of the Caption Editor in the MyMediasite portal.
Please note, this procedure assumes that captions have already been added to your presentation, either manually (see Creating Content: Uploading your Webex Recording and Transcript to MyMediasite), or using Vidable (see Creating Content: Adding Captions with Vidable), or by the Multimedia Services staff.
- Navigate to the MyMediasite portal and log in using your RCSID credentials and Duo.
- Locate the presentation for which you wish to edit captions, and click on the title to open it.
- Scroll down and on the right, below the Share Presentation button, click on Edit Captions. It may take a moment to load the caption editor.
- The captions are displayed on the left, with time stamps. Selecting a caption will jump to that point in the video. The video can be played, to confirm the audio, and each caption can be edited or the time stamp adjusted. Captions can be deleted entirely via the trash can icon.
- Clicking Save in the upper right corner will allow saving of work while remaining in the caption editor to continue working.
- In order to save and exit the editor, click the drop down arrow to the right of the Save button to display a menu, then click Save & Exit.
For more detail on how to utilize the caption editor, please see the Mediasite Help link below.
Add & Edit Captions Using the Caption Editor (Mediasite Help)
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