How to setup BootCamp on your Mac – requires Intel CPU. This will configure a windows partition on your Mac that allows windows programs to run. Some windows programs may not be supported or run as well as they would on a Windows machine.
- Latest Mac OS updates
- Minimum 64gb free hard drive space - 128gb optimal
- 4gb RAM - 8gb RAM optimal especially if installing Siemens NX
- Mac with an Intel chip is required. M1 chips do not support booting into Windows.
- Check Apple Logo on top left corner - click “About this Mac” -- the system info window will show the CPU.
- 16gb flash drive for the Windows ISO file
- Windows 10 ISO file placed on your Desktop:
1. Press Command + Space. “Spotlight Search” should appear.
2. In the box, type “Boot Camp Assistant” and then Enter to open Boot Camp Assistant.
3. When Boot Camp Assistant opens, the “Introduction” page appears. Please read the prompt, and then press “Continue”
[Boot Camp Assistant window with box around the continue button in lower right corner]
4. The “Select Tasks” page appears. Select all check boxes.
[Boot Camp Assistance screen with a box around the three check marks in a row on the left side selecting the three options on the page]
The “Create Bootable USB Drive for Windows Installation” page appears.
5. In the “ISO Image:” box, click on “Choose…” and a file window will appear. Find the Windows10 ISO file on your Desktop and select that file.
6. Under “Destination disk”, the USB that you are using as the bootable drive should appear.
***VERY IMPORTANT***: PLEASE be sure that you chose the right USB as that USB will be formatted and erased. ***
[Boot Camp Assistant screen showing a circle around the PNY USB WININSTALL located in the middle of the screen]
7. A warning box will appear; “The drive will be erased.” Press “Continue” to continue the process. (NOTE: this screen may appear in later versions)
[Boot Camp Assistant screen showing The drive will be erased box at the top and a box around the Continue button]
8. Next, you will be in the “Task Status” page where Boot Camp Assistant will format the USB, create a bootable drive, and put in Windows Support Programs into the USB.
PLEASE NOTE: This part of the process will take some time! Please be patient.
[Boot Camp Assistant window show the Task Status bar had moved about 33% on the bar]
9. Once that is complete, you will see the “Create a Partition for Windows” page, a window will pop-up to type in your password that you use to log into your computer. This is for security purposes.
[Create a Partition for Windows Boot Camp Assistant window that wants to make changes and is asking for the password to log into your computer]
10. In the “Create a Partition for Windows” page, you will have the opportunity to adjust the amount of drive space you would like for Windows. (recommended 60 GB). Please consider your actual hard drive size in this step as you may accidentally give your Mac endless space.
[Create a Partition for Windows showing the partition will be split to macOS and Windows]
11. Once you have made a decision on your memory space, click “Install”.
At this point, you will have a partitioned hard drive and Windows will be set up to run successfully.
12. A window will appear to type in your password that you use to log into your computer. You may have to enter it twice
[Boot Camp Assistant is trying to unlock the Startup Disk preference window asking to type in the password to log into the computer]
At this point, your Mac will boot into Windows for Windows setup.
13. Once Windows boots, you will see the “Windows setup” screen. Select the preferred language, time, currency format, and keyboard or input method. Then click “Next”
[Windows setup screen asking to select the preferred language, time, currency format, and keyboard or input method]
14. Next, you should see this screen. Click “Install Now”.
15. When the “Enter the product key to activate Windows” appears, choose “I do not have a product key” and then click Next.
[Windows setup screen asking to enter the product key to activate windows]
16. Accept the Terms and Agreement and then click Next.
17. A screen will appear with many partitions. Select the partition that says “BOOTCAMP”. And then click “Format”. A warning will pop-up, click “Yes”.
18. Once the format is complete, make sure that same partition is selected, and then click “Next”
[windows setup screen asking where do you want to install windows?]
Windows will now be installed on your hard drive. Please be patient, as this will take some time.
[Installing Windows screen showing a check mark next to the feature already downloaded from the list of items]
When Windows finishes the setup, you can select specific information and settings. All of this is of your choosing. Please follow the prompts!
Once you have made your selections, the Desktop screen appears for Windows 10.
You should see the Boot Camp installer. Please follow the instructions! This is highly important to make sure that Windows 10 runs correctly on your Mac. Please allow the installer to complete before doing anything else.
19. Once the installation is complete, a window will pop-up and ask to restart your computer. Click “Yes”.
Once Windows 10 reboots, YOU ARE ALL SET!
20. If you need an activation license please visit the Help Desk located in the VCC during administrative hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am to 4pm.
PLEASE NOTE: If you want to get back to the Mac side of your computer, shut down your computer, turn it back on, and immediately press and hold the “Option” key on the keyboard.
You should then see drives that say “Macintosh HD” and “Windows”. Use the keyboard to select the Operating System and press “Enter” to boot up to that Operating System.
Do the same when wanting to boot into Windows 10.
Last Reviewed: 01-Feb-2023
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