You have the ability to control the security (who can view) for your presentation. There are two types of security you can set:
- Whether a presentation is Private or Viewable
- Who, specifically, can watch a Viewable presentation
Additionally, you can control who is able to Edit your presentation if you need to share work with another user.
Controlling Who Can View a Presentation
This setting controls who is able to watch the presentation when provided with a link either by embedding it through the LMS controls in Blackboard or by using the Share Presentation button out of MyMediasite. This is the setting you will use to determine whether your Students or Colleagues may watch the video.
- Log in to your MyMediasite web portal at https://mediasite.mms.rpi.edu/mediasite5/MyMediasite
- Open the presentation you wish to share or edit by clicking on the title in your list of presentations
- Over on the right, you will see a bar labeled "WHO CAN VIEW?"
[Who can view slide button]
- Only Me - This sets the presentation to private. While you could share the video, no one but you will be able to play and watch it.
- Only Shared Users - This allows you to name a specific subset of users who are already registered as Mediasite users. This will only allow these users to watch the video, using the link you will provide to them through the Share button.
- My Organization - This allows access in two ways:
- If you use the Share Presentation button to send a link, it will require the recipient to log in with their RCS ID and password in order to watch the video.
- If you embed the link into LMS, the LMS will pass the user information and automatically authenticate your students to allow them to watch the video.
- This is the preferred setting for use with any LMS system.
- Everyone - This will allow anyone with the link to watch the video, including users outside of RPI, by allowing anonymous access. This is a more open setting for security, and while it will still register authenticated users if they access the video via LMS, it will also allow users outside the RPI community to freely view the video without authentication.
- These changes will take effect immediately when you use the slider. If you forget which level is which, click the question mark to view the Help text.
Sharing a Presentation using the Share Presentation Button
If you need to share a presentation with a specific student or colleague, or a group, but do not want it available to the entire RPI organization, you can invite specific users to view the link.
- Log in to your MyMediasite web portal at https://mediasite.mms.rpi.edu/mediasite5/MyMediasite
- Open the presentation you wish to share or edit by clicking on the title in your list of presentations
- Over on the right, you will see a bar labeled "WHO CAN VIEW?
- Set the slider to Only Shared Users, then click the Share Presentation button.
- The "Invite Registered Mediasite Users" tab is automatically selected; do not change this. In the box labeled "Invite by Email Address or Name" start typing the name of the user you wish to share with. Selecting their address, then clicking Send Invite will add them to the security list for the presentation and send an email with the link. This will only work with members of the Rensselaer community.
Presentations may only be locked to members of the Rensselaer community. In order to share a link to someone who does not have an RCSID, the presentation must be made public.
Controlling Who Can Edit a Presentation
There may be times when you wish to have a colleague view, edit, or otherwise interact with your presentation within MyMediasite, rather than simply viewing the video. In order to do this, you will need to adjust the presentation's security.
- Log in to your MyMediasite web portal at https://mediasite.mms.rpi.edu/mediasite5/MyMediasite
- Open the presentation you wish to share or edit by clicking on the title in your list of presentations
- Scroll down and click on the green Edit Security button to open the Security dialog box.
[Edit Security button] - Security is set by default to Inherit permissions from parent folder. If you want to make changes, you will need to uncheck this box.
- At the bottom of the dialog box a new section will appear. Start typing the last name of the person with whom you wish to share editing privileges. If they are a part of the Mediasite system, their name will appear for you to select.
[Mediasite window showing the Add people or groups field and the privileges field] - After you select the name, they will appear in the list of names which have access to the presentation. Click on the drop down box to the right of the name in order to adjust permissions.
[Drop down menu showing the different privileges] - You may select any of the options for the user. An explanation of each setting is below.
- Read Only - The user can see the presentation in MyMediasite, and can also add it to a catalog.
- Writer - The user is able to read as well as view and updating the presentation through MyMediasite. They will be able to edit and record the presentation.
- Viewer - This only allows the user to watch the presentation.
- Moderator - This allows both read and moderation permissions. The user is able to view and approve questions from the audience, which are viewable on the presentation's Q&A Forum page.
- Questions will be forwarded to a Moderator's email address (as listed on their Mediasite profile) unless they opt out of moderator emails, or provides an alternate moderator email address.
- A Moderator will also receive notifications when comments are flagged as inappropriate.
- Approver - The user will not be able to edit the presentation's content, but will be able to comment on the presentation and approve or reject it as part of content workflow, if enabled.
- Editor - The user can record and upload content to the presentation, and edit it using the web editor. However, an Approver will need to review this content and mark it as approved before it is viewable.
- Click Save in the upper right corner of the page when you are done. You may click Cancel if you change your mind.
Assigning Custom Permissions (from the Mediasite Help)
Getting Started: Setting Default Viewability for Your Presentations
Troubleshooting: Recording Cannot be Searched on LMS or Viewed by Other Users
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