How to save Contacts on iPhone saved to Exchange to local contacts.
On your iPhone:
- Go to Settings>iCloud, turn Contacts to Off, choose Delete from My iPhone when prompted (they will still be in iCloud).
- In the App Store download the app "Easy Backup"
- Open Easy Backup app - tap Get Started - Access Contacts - OK - Decline (on Contacts Enrichment screen) - Tap to Backup - Send to Email - send email to an email account that you can access on your computer.
- Go to Settings>iCloud and turn Contacts back to On.
- Go to Settings>Contacts>Default Account (in the Contacts section), set this to iCloud.
- Go to Settings>Mail>Accounts>Exchange>and turn off contacts syncing with your exchange account (or you will see duplicates on your phone)>Delete from My iPhone
On a computer/laptop:
- Open the email you sent the contacts attachment to and save the vcard file to your computer (note location)
- On same computer login to https://icloud.com
- Scroll done and click on Contacts
- Click on Settings wheel in lower left - import Vcard
- Contacts should be on phone.
None at this time.
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