When uploading video to MyMediasite via the web portal, certain file types are listed as commonly supported, while other supported file types appear to be unavailable. This article will discuss which files are supported or unsupported, and why, as well as how to unlock the view to see files which are not considered common file types by Mediasite.
This article assumes that you are already familiar with the process of uploading video to MyMediasite via the web portal. Links to additional articles are available below if you need to familiarize yourself with this process.
- While uploading a file to MyMediasite, when you click on Add Presentation, and Upload New Video, you will be able to Browse Files.
[Add Presentation button along with Upload New Video Browse Files.. button] - Click on the arrow next to All Supported Types to show the full list of commonly supported video types, as well as the option to see All Files (*.*).
[All supported types dialog box with may file types to choose] - The files listed as supported file types are those that are documented as supported by the Multi-Format Video Importer in Mediasite, and are defined by the decoder utilized within the software (see KBA3779 for Supported Media Files). The KB article also includes a list of software exports which have been tested by Sonic Foundry and confirmed as working with the video import process.
However, there are some file types still in use, such as MPG files, which are not in this list. Use the All Files option to view and upload these files. Please note: as of last testing by MultiMedia Services, MPG files were still a valid upload format by using the All Files option. As the codecs are controlled by the process implemented by Sonic Foundry, and MPG is not listed as a supported file time, this could change. - WARNING: If you view All Files, MyMediasite will attempt to upload whatever file you select. Please ensure that the file you are uploading is a video file. For example, uploading a PowerPoint file (PPT / PPTX) directly is not supported and it must be exported as an MP4 video first.
If you attempt to upload a file which is not a commonly supported file, it will not process properly and you may receive an error. In this case, you will need to use video editing software in order to convert your file to a supported file type.
RPI: Uploading a Pre-Recorded Video to Mediasite through the Web-Based MyMediasite Page
RPI: Uploading a PowerPoint Presentation into MyMediasite
Sonic Foundry: How to Upload Video to MyMediasite
Sonic Foundry: KBA3779 Supported Media Files
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